Resting an LFO inside an instrument

Hi i have only found this way to do it but basically i have an LFO on the wet mix of a reverb on a Snare inside an instrument. I want to reset the LFO so that it is in sync with the track but there is no way to communicate to the LFO from the track.

I would love it if you added a sync to track feature or maybe let me reset the LFO from inside an instrument from the Track.

The way i have found to do it for now is assigning another LFO to the macro fx resetting the LFO in the track then that will send to a macro inside the instrument that resets the other LFO.

my Brain hurts - is there an easier way?

This is quite a specialized set up, isn’t it? I do understand what you’re saying about syncing the LFO to the track, but it seems like a very specific need for this particular situation, rather than something that we can easily turn into a flexible and generic solution for a wide range of situations. Should the LFO only reset to the beginning of its cycle at the beginning of the track? Should it be possible to define a custom cycle position that it resets to? Should the LFO’s phase then be reset constantly while the track plays from beginning to end? Should it scale somehow with different track lengths, essentially giving the LFO different speeds? Etc. Quite a lot of fuzzy details here, I think.

Overall, I think such a task will always be better suited to automation within the pattern itself. The macros are there to allow you to reach into the instrument and control some properties within it, but they are mainly designed to be controlled and automated externally – from the pattern or graphical automation.

Anyway, in your example, we can at least simplify things a little bit:
4390 Redux-edit.xrns

I’ve removed the LFO from inside the Snare’s DSP chain, and replaced it with a Hydra instead. The Hydra allows much more precise control over the parameter’s range, rather than using the somewhat clunky Offset/Amplitude values from the LFO. At least in this case where you’re setting the Reverb’s Wet Mix, I guess that you’d prefer some to work within a more exact range.

Then I re-mapped the instrument macro to the Hydra Input.

Finally, instead of having an LFO in your pattern track which is doing some weird stuff and trying to emulate the instrument’s LFO reset, I’ve simply replaced this with a custom LFO that replicates the general behaviour of the LFO that was originally inside the instrument itself, with its upwards sweeping motion.

Maybe this helps you to think about the problem from a different angle, maybe not :]

Marco → [>>] → click “Reset” → Insert Inst. Macro device into track and link to instrument with macroed LFO-> either control macro device with automation or pattern effect command.

The problem here is that the LFO Reset parameter (well, most devices in general) will ignore any duplicate values you send via this method.

There’s a similar problem with the Hydra device, for example, where it will not broadcast its output unless the input has actually changed, meaning that repeated/duplicated input values will not actually cause linked LFOs to reset.

You will be able to reset it once via the *Instr. Macros device with a pattern command like 1100, but then the next command 1100 will be ignored.

You can hack around this by maybe sending 1100, then 1101, then 1100, then 1101, and so on. But this is not really the desired behavior, either.

I believe there was a better trick for that (using a one shot LFO?, i recall trying something myself in 2.8), the same issue was always present in the DSP chains anyway.

I was thinking maybe it could be synced to beats or bars perhaps I think it would still be a useful feature, that being said your method is a lot easier to work with i was looking at the problem from the wrong angle inside the instrument. I was hoping to get the drums to run only in one track to streamline things a bit.

The only thing i cant do is using the bass to gate a baseline using a single track.

