Rex Translator

we’d need an algorithm, that would:

(…after double clicking, into a Rex:ed beat…)

open the slice 1 to slot 1, the slice 2 right below it…

…and all the adjacing clips thereafter in a similar pattern…

In case, we would want the rex to play, in the tune also - ie. for the algorithm not only to open the rexed beats
inside Renoise as clips to be worked with…

…it would need to:

  1. Read the midi file, from the rex.
  2. Place the notes into a Renoise “track / channel”
  3. Change every “up going note” to the root key (C4), change the instrument number, in an adjacing way (…to correspond, with the instrument number, as the next clip is allways in a rex, a note above the preceding…)

Incase the rex would need to be inside one instrument, as clips, then this would not need to be done. But in that case, transposing a pattern would became a problem - which is why, the “parenting” instrument option would become in handy…

…this way rex could be imported into a song playing in Renoise, and rex could be also “listened” inside a playing song, before loading them into a track…

Hope this helps - incase this has been considered.

Good vibes! :yeah:

If you run XT2 inside Renoise as a VST you get not only Rex but a modular environment for routing
Hard disk recording and a bunch of other stuff too

Not what you wanted but i thought i would mention it ;)



yeah… Ofcourse, now that I’m thinkin about it Renoise might not even need anything to do with rex…


…too much of a hassle, and not sure if many would actually benefit of rex support… It can be done in so many other ways nowadays, that it’s not a bottleneck anyhow…
