For those of you who downloaded before… I put up another version of the song moments ago.
I had to boost the trumpet track because it was barely audible. Please let me know some obvious volume issues. My car seems to be much more accurate than the overrated bose system that I have.
I am tempted to throw it on my laptop and plug the line out into the aux on my radio and adjust volume levels that way…
100% created in renoise with vsts and a simple d&b loop, everything else is VST based.
Grabbed a while ago and finally listened to it, after stumbling about it in my downloads folder. I really liked the instrumentation you’ve used and the melodies, but i think the drums don’t do the song any justice. I’d rework them.
First off to kikaruu - thank you for the encouraging words. I normally mix/master with the bose speakers I mentioned. I have roomates and they have been around a lot lately so I have been unable to fine tune the song with anything other than my headphones.
Beatslaghter - The drums have been really getting to me. I am at a loss with how to make them sound with this song. I didn’t want to get too crazy with them and the idea was to focus on the melody and to take a pretty minimalist approach with the drums.
I agree with you. I need to rework them. I thought of making another version of the song with no techno-elements and just keeping and building on the orchestral bits that I have already written.
I considered trying to throw some amen crazyiness in it, but after listening to what snares does with his orchestral breakcore I just didn’t even want to attempt to go there. Not that I could ever chop an amen like Mr. Funk anyways.
Listening right now… if you’re going for minimalist drums, I’d suggest using a break that’s not so intense sounding. This break is screaming to be chopped up and syncopated… at least a little bit. I like the break though… I think it gives the track character.
The orchestral + synth sounds don’t really do it for me. They feel like they need to be nastier and more distorted. I like the the melodies you’re using though. Also, it kinda abruptly ends.
I like the structure and the progression of the track. I’m just not sure the sounds you’ve used jive together really well. I’d spend a bit more time on sound design.