i created drum kit in 1 instrument - kick,hat,snare samples in it recorded each sample in different tracks:
track1 - kick
track2 - snare
track3 - hats
everything rolls royce!
i wanted to put a bit eq on all samples in instrument so i created fx chain in instrument, and thats where my kicks gone eaten by hats, so my drumkit gone monophonic somehow.
sure there is a lot of other ways to do what i wanted, but it looks kindof wierd to me if you put 1 empty fx chain on instrument and tracks start to cut each other…
When an instrument has its own internal FX chain, it has the same limitation as a standard stereo VST plugin instrument: It has a single audio output that can only be played on a single track at any given moment in time.
You must therefore record your kick, snare and hats in a single track in the pattern editor.
Or, in this simple example where you just want to EQ all sounds equally, then you can simply move tracks 1, 2 and 3 into a group track, and apply the EQ to the group instead.
I did say a standard stereo VST plugin — ie. not multi-timbral — which only has a single audio output.
The playback behaviour (of an XRNI with an FX chain) is actually very similar to that type of plugin. That is to say, when you play such an instrument on multiple different audio tracks at the same time, Renoise will try to do its best to prioritise which track should actually be heard. Tracks further to the right will steal the audio output from tracks to the left, in exactly the same way that plugins (with a single stereo output) do so.
The main audible difference here is that the plugin will spit all of its combined output to the stolen audio track, because Renoise simply cannot split a single audio stream into the individual notes that may be playing, but for the XRNI instrument we do know which notes are intended to go where, so when the audio stream gets stolen by another track it will only play the output from the notes on that track — this is why the high hat or snare on track 2 is preventing the kicks from playing on track 1.
So, it’s a relatively small difference in the note behaviour, but more or less identical behaviour with the track stealing.
At the end of the day, yeah, it’s not a great limitation to have — and I do hope that we can eventually solve it. For now, I’m just trying to explain how it works.
I personally think it’s a huge and important difference, with the plugin having the much better and more usuable behaviour.
But yeah, we’ll see what 3.1 will bring.
thanks for the explanation, i remember a while ago i had this thing going that some of my xrni worked on multiple tracks, and some was cutting each other and i could not figure this out, where was my mistake, now i get it
yeah that seems to be kind of “wierd” limitation for random user point of view, but renoise is flexible enough to do same thing in a lot of different ways, EG more lines in track, grouping in a mixer or just simple duplicate instrument.
I did say a standard stereo VST plugin — ie. not multi-timbral — which only has a single audio output.
The playback behaviour (of an XRNI with an FX chain) is actually very similar to that type of plugin. That is to say, when you play such an instrument on multiple different audio tracks at the same time, Renoise will try to do its best to prioritise which track should actually be heard. Tracks further to the right will steal the audio output from tracks to the left, in exactly the same way that plugins (with a single stereo output) do so.
The main audible difference here is that the plugin will spit all of its combined output to the stolen audio track, because Renoise simply cannot split a single audio stream into the individual notes that may be playing, but for the XRNI instrument we do know which notes are intended to go where, so when the audio stream gets stolen by another track it will only play the output from the notes on that track — this is why the high hat or snare on track 2 is preventing the kicks from playing on track 1.
So, it’s a relatively small difference in the note behaviour, but more or less identical behaviour with the track stealing.
At the end of the day, yeah, it’s not a great limitation to have — and I do hope that we can eventually solve it. For now, I’m just trying to explain how it works.
I was experiencing the same problem recently and was wondering what it could be. Thank you for the explanation.