Sample Editor Play Pos. Line Fades

so the heading says it all actually.
to clarify what i mean if that doesnt make sense.

is to have the play position line stall and fade at the exact point where it stopped. currently it seems hard as hell to see where it stops sometimes, but if for instance it was to hold for a fraction of a second an then fade i think it would benefit beat cutters/manipulators alot.

an example, i use that line alot when pitching breakbeats, sometimes my ears dont hear it right but i can tell that its hitting too soon , so i alter the sample pitch to correct it. so if that line was to be able to hold and fade, man that would be nice!!! an would make figuring out the pitch alot easier, well at least with the method i use.

it would probably look really cool for people that use the 09xx command alot.