Ah, I forgot about that topic.
Ok, maybe not surprised that it would be too much to get into.
I’ll give the reason why I thought this important. You see I’m not really all that bothered if this works or not. After all a musician just kinda knows that the more they move the attack slider to the left, the faster the attack, the more they move the attack slider to the right the slower the attack. Likewise for the release.
But, from a moral point of view the Renoise user interface boasts super great numbers here. Taking the Volume AHDSR device it claims to achieve (for example) 0.0ms of release [I interpret that as ‘clicks and all’ to the sample rate shear cut release. Then it is up to the user to ‘dial in’ how much ‘anti click’ attack/release wanted?] However (as we know due in part to fixed anti click etc…) currently doesn’t produce that output that has been dialed in. Also If I dial in say 10ms of attack get closer to 11ms of attack.
Also I notice that a lot of other ‘DAWs’ set a minimum that there dial/slider can go to. For example in Bitwig 3 the ADSR release dial I think in the sampler has a minimum of 10ms (if so reminding the user there is going to be at least around 10ms of ‘release processing time’ on this sample(?)) In Waveform/Tracktion sampler the minimum attack/release dials seems to be 0.00ms. From what I can quickly see Tracktion/Waveform does pretty much honor those figures better than Renoise.
Anyway, Raspberry Pi/M1 is top priority.