Science Fiction Audiobooks And Radio Plays

Currently I am increasingly interested in science fiction audiobooks and radio plays.

At the moment I hear Otherland by Tad Williams.
The free audio book Wetgrave (only german) of A. Stiegler was also very cool.

What has convinced you and would you recommend?


The Art of War translated by Lionel Giles, though they cut some parts out and how the text is read leaves it less appealing than the pdf version.

I was going to cut the audio and remix it into a hybrid how-to book slash music tracks in order to memorize the book. I changed my mind, instead, I’ll just cut the lines and post it around the apartment, hopefully, my memory will accept it more based on architectural mnemonics.

I like self-development and how-to audiobooks, though The Art of War is the only one I have at the moment. When I was younger, I would take some movies and record them to cassette tapes and listen to them instead.

I’ve been listening to Count Zero and after it I will listen to Mona Lisa Overdrive, 2 & three of the sprawl series. then will probably go look for more Gibson after that, unless I look for snowcrash.

There is an awesome old time radio show on shoutcast I was listening to lot’s of dragnet & cloak b dagger stuff from a long time ago. It’s hilarious listening to the commercials. They have pulp/noir, detective plays, private detective plays, some mysterys, old school sci fi, supernatural, and a little western, and really funny commercials in between.

can get to it from

I’ve listened countless times to every single episode of “X Minus 1” - a series of sci-fi radio plays from the 1950’s. It’s essential for both old time radio lovers and sci-fi fans. They’ve run stories written by Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov and many other writers of similar stature.

Check it out:

Snow crash By Neal Stephenson is a must if you’re into cyber punk and the audio book is done with great production.

brilliant idea…thanks for posting this