The Art of War translated by Lionel Giles, though they cut some parts out and how the text is read leaves it less appealing than the pdf version.
I was going to cut the audio and remix it into a hybrid how-to book slash music tracks in order to memorize the book. I changed my mind, instead, I’ll just cut the lines and post it around the apartment, hopefully, my memory will accept it more based on architectural mnemonics.
I like self-development and how-to audiobooks, though The Art of War is the only one I have at the moment. When I was younger, I would take some movies and record them to cassette tapes and listen to them instead.
I’ve been listening to Count Zero and after it I will listen to Mona Lisa Overdrive, 2 & three of the sprawl series. then will probably go look for more Gibson after that, unless I look for snowcrash.
There is an awesome old time radio show on shoutcast I was listening to lot’s of dragnet & cloak b dagger stuff from a long time ago. It’s hilarious listening to the commercials. They have pulp/noir, detective plays, private detective plays, some mysterys, old school sci fi, supernatural, and a little western, and really funny commercials in between.
I’ve listened countless times to every single episode of “X Minus 1” - a series of sci-fi radio plays from the 1950’s. It’s essential for both old time radio lovers and sci-fi fans. They’ve run stories written by Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov and many other writers of similar stature.