$:~/Installers and Packages/Renoise/Renoise_2_5_1_Demo$ uname -a
Linux johnny-desktop 2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 04:38:19 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$:~/Installers and Packages/Renoise/Renoise_2_5_1_Demo$ sudo ./install.sh
Fixing file permissions...
Installing shared resources...
Installing the executable...
Linking the executable...
Installing the man file...
Registering MIME types...
Installing icons...
Installing desktop-menu shortcuts...
Checking audio configuration...
PAM seems not to be installed or not configured for audio applications.
Its HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to tweak your system for realtime audion applications to get accepteable audio/MIDI latencies with Jack and ALSA. Please have a look at 'http://tutorials.renoise.com/wiki/Linux_FAQ#Realtime_Threads' for more information about this topic...
Installation of Renoise 2.5.1 SUCCEEDED.
$:~/Installers and Packages/Renoise/Renoise_2_5_1_Demo$ renoise
Segmentation fault
$:~/Installers and Packages/Renoise/Renoise_2_5_1_Demo$
I was considering a full switch to linux, but if Renoise isn’t going to work, I may just have to use windows (regrettably). Anyone ever had this issue? I’ve seen people getting segfaults after a bunch of text scrolls by, but this seems to be giving me one right off the bat. Any reason a 64 bit version of renoise isn’t available?
Yes I do have that library installed. I also tried the fix installing and initializing wine. No luck.
Good thing I tested first before buying. I’d be interested in a fix, but I don’t see the motivation to spend all my time looking for a solution if I’m going to be paying for this software. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect that it work on a very common architecture.
Is it possible to buy a license and use it on windows for now, but then transfer it to linux when a native 64-bit version is available? (or a 32 bit version with a reasonable and successful “fix”)
In general Renoise works just fine on 64bit Linux if you have the 32bit compatibility libs installed.
But there will always be linux systems where Renoise won’t work, and of course you should test if it works for you before bying anything. Linux is a very open system - anything can and will happen there.
Regarding the license: the license is not bound to a machine or OS, as long as only you use it. This means You can download and Renoise on any OS you like to…
PS: Does starting Renoise out of the download folder work for you?
I just discovered that I can get renoise working by using the applications menu in ubuntu rather than attempting to invoke from the command line. I have no idea why this would be the case. It does spit out a bunch of errors about ALSA when starting, but I can at least get in, and switch from JACK to ALSA (jack doesn’t like my system at all). I am considering installing Ubuntu Studio to see if it doesn’t help me get JACK running now.
I’m still curious why Renoise will work from the applications menu, but not from the command line.
EDIT: I tried $: gksudo renoise and it works. I’m pretty sure these permissions are appropriate to allow me to invoke the program without being root.
any idea why I need the gksudo? If I invoke renoise from the applications menu, it doesn’t ask me for my password, so I’m a little confused as to what’s going on here.
here’s the console data when I invoke with gksudo:
johnny@johnny-desktop:/usr/local/bin$ gksudo renoise
Renoise LOG> ============================================================
Renoise LOG> Version : Renoise V2.5.1 (Mar 31 2010)
Renoise LOG> Date : 2010-05-01
Renoise LOG> Time : 20:12:46
Renoise LOG> OS : Linux version 2.6.31-20-generic (buildd@crested) (gcc version 4.4.1 (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu8) ) #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 04:38:19 UTC 2010
Renoise LOG> ============================================================
Renoise LOG> CPU: Found 2 enabled unit(s) with 1 core(s) / 2 logical processor(s) per unit. 2 cores are enabled in total.
Renoise LOG> Application: Showing the splash window...
Renoise LOG> StartupWindow: Initialiting the startup window...
Renoise LOG> Graphport: Initialising XThreads...
Renoise LOG> Graphport: Opening XDisplay ':0.0' (configured via 'DISPLAY' env)...
Renoise LOG> Graphport: XDisplay was successfully opened
Renoise LOG> Graphport: Initializing Freeimage...
Renoise LOG> StartupWindow: Startup window successfully initialized...
Renoise LOG> Application: Initializing the API...
Renoise LOG> File-IO: Enabling MP3 decoding support using system mpg123 library...
Renoise LOG> GraphPort: Loading cursor images (libXcursor is present)...
Renoise LOG> System: Running from '/usr/local/bin'...
Renoise LOG> GraphPort: Initializing the Font Engine...
Renoise LOG> GraphPort: Enumerating system fonts...
Renoise LOG> FontEngine: Caught fatal exception (libfontconfig)! System fonts will not be available.
Renoise LOG> Graphport: Initializing Keyboard mappings...
Renoise LOG> Graphport: Initializing XAtoms...
Renoise LOG> Application: Initializing Icon Bitmaps...
Renoise LOG> ALSA: Enumerating Devices...
Renoise LOG> ALSA: PLAYBACK info: card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1 Analog]
Renoise LOG> ALSA: CAPTURE info: card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1 Analog]
Renoise LOG> ALSA: PLAYBACK info: card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 1: ALC662 rev1 Digital [ALC662 rev1 Digital]
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Starting the input thread...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Adding unlinked virtual MIDI in ports...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Adding unlinked virtual MIDI out ports...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Enumerating external input devices...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Ignoring client 'Renoise MIDI Output's port 'Renoise MIDI Out Sync' (blacklisted device)...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Adding Input device 'Midi Through Port-0'...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Enumerating external output devices...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Ignoring client 'OSS sequencer's port 'Receiver' (blacklisted device)...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Ignoring client 'Renoise MIDI Input's port 'Renoise MIDI In Port A' (blacklisted device)...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Ignoring client 'Renoise MIDI Input's port 'Renoise MIDI In Port B' (blacklisted device)...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Ignoring client 'Renoise MIDI Input's port 'Renoise MIDI In Sync' (blacklisted device)...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Adding Output device 'Midi Through Port-0'...
Renoise LOG> DspDevices: Registering native DSP effects...
Renoise LOG> Application: Creating the main application...
Renoise LOG> Application: Start running...
Renoise LOG> Application: Loading the preferences...
Renoise LOG> Application: Init...
Renoise LOG> LADSPA: LADSPA_PATH environment variable not set. Using '/usr/lib/ladspa:/usr/local/lib/ladspa:~/.ladspa'...
Renoise LOG> LADSPA: Skipping LADSPA path '/usr/lib/ladspa/' (Directory does not exist)...
Renoise LOG> LADSPA: Skipping LADSPA path '/usr/local/lib/ladspa/' (Directory does not exist)...
Renoise LOG> LADSPA: Skipping LADSPA path '/root/.ladspa/' (Directory does not exist)...
Renoise LOG> Jack: Trying to open client 'renoise'...
jackd 0.116.1
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
no message buffer overruns
loading driver ..
Enhanced3DNow! detected
SSE2 detected
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
the playback device "hw:0" is already in use. Please stop the application using it and run JACK again
cannot load driver module alsa
Renoise LOG> Jack: Opening the Jack server failed!
Renoise LOG> Error Message: Failed to open the JACK client. Please make sure that the JACK server is running!
Renoise LOG> Error Message: JACK failed to open. Trying to open ALSA instead...
Renoise LOG> ALSA: Opening ALSA Playback Device 'hw:0,0 (ALC662 rev1 Analog)'...
Renoise LOG> ALSA: Open ALSA Output Device FAILED!
Renoise LOG> Error Message: Failed to open the ALSA device 'hw:0,0 (ALC662 rev1 Analog)' (Device or resource busy).
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Opening MIDI in device 'Renoise MIDI In Port A'...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Opening MIDI in device 'Renoise MIDI In Port B'...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Opening MIDI in device 'Renoise MIDI In Sync'...
Renoise LOG> MIDI-IO: Opening MIDI out device 'Renoise MIDI Out Sync'...
Renoise LOG> Application: Creating a new document...
Renoise LOG> MIDI: Using global MIDI actions from resources
Renoise LOG> Player: Constructing...
Renoise LOG> Player: Creating the slave threads...
Renoise LOG> Player: Start running...
Renoise LOG> GUI: Creating the Document GUI...
Renoise LOG> GUI: Successfully constructed
Renoise LOG> Application: A new document was created.
Renoise LOG> GraphPort: Initializing in WindowedMode...
Renoise LOG> GraphPort: Successfully initialized
Renoise LOG> Application: Init OK
Renoise LOG> StartupWindow: Closing the window...
Renoise LOG> Application: Enter MainLoop...
Does the menu version (sym)links directly to the executable in your home folder? that would explain why starting from the menu works without arguments.
Did you do a system wide install using the sudo or did you also applied gksudo for that?
Though it advises to rather use GKSudo, i have the feeling that this would work against you during application installations.
Gksudo always issues the root profile for performing things. When you want to simply execute a file, this should not pose any problem, but if you use it to perform a system wide installation through a shell script, then executing that installed program under your own limited account may cause access problems.
Likely, sudo should be enough when installing, it might keep you out of trouble when starting the program using normal priviledges afterwards as sudo is not specifically stamping your installed applications with root access authorisation.
The menu version simply calls “renoise” (as a system wide command), I assume it’s in the PATH variable, and it doesn’t seem to be calling anything in my home folder.
I installed the application with sudo. Regardless of root owning my renoise executable, OTHER still has RX permissions. I would assume this is enough to run the program under a more limited account?
Quite perplexing.
It works now (at least), but I have no idea why I can’t invoke from the command line without gksudo. From the ls command above, “johnny” should be able to execute /usr/local/bin/renoise
What if Renoise created a config profile in the root-folder during the system wide install?
If you used sudo under your own accountname that should not be posing this problem so that puzzles me as well, but Bantai might have given a good clue as well.
Though it sounds more like an access problem rather than library problem. Considering the fact that you can start Renoise using true root access.
As for renoise creating a config file in the “root-folder”, where would I find this? I had a look at my own config files, they seem to have the appropriate permissions.
johnny@johnny-desktop:~/.renoise/V2.5.1$ ls -l
total 364
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnny johnny 3072 2010-05-01 19:53 CachedFailedLADSPAs.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnny johnny 3072 2010-05-01 19:53 CachedFailedVSTs.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnny johnny 144384 2010-05-01 19:53 CachedLADSPAs.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnny johnny 29696 2010-05-01 19:53 CachedVSTs.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnny johnny 33536 2010-05-02 00:51 Config.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnny johnny 102086 2010-05-02 00:51 KeyBindings.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnny johnny 15620 2010-05-01 19:53 KeyBindings.xslt
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnny johnny 20674 2010-05-02 00:51 Log.txt