Send And Receive Sysex Dumps To/From Outboard Gear

What I would really like to see here would be a “Request Sysex” :)

What do you mean by ‘Request SysEx’? (I don’t know much about how SysEx works).

Presumably it sends a SysEx to a device and expects a response?

Forget everything I said :D

Ok, hi. I’ve now tested this with “SysEx Dump ALL” in Korg 03R/W. It records a SysEx Librarian-recognizable Korg SysEx, which is the exact same form as if when SysEx Librarian does it.
I’ve used SysEx Librarian to send the script-generated .syx to the 03R/W and it loads, and so does the SySexLibrarian generated one. They’re of identical information content.

I’ll now try with the Digitech Studio Quad4, I’m not even sure if it sends out SysEx but I’m guessing it should.

I would do, but you deleted your description of what ‘Request SysEx’ was while I logged in!

I think you described it as sending a request command and recording the output. This can be done by starting recording and then sending ‘premade’ syx files.

Is there a SysEx standard that defines some common SysEx messages. This sounds like a bit of an oxymoron to myself.

I’ve found a few here from the General MIDI v2 Spec and I’m aware of the MIDI Sample Dump Standard. Adding these in would be reasonably simple. I don’t think we should go down the road of adding in every possible feature for a large number of external hardware though.

Glad it’s working!

Note that the tool records everything in SysEx format to the file.

Thanks for testing this, but be careful when dumping back to the hardware!

Request SysEx is to say to the outboard gear, please give me a SysEx dump… The rest of the message became irrelevant because I realized that there were no errors in the sysex dump receive in the script.
What I’m going to try next is to try and get some SysEx .syx files, prog per prog, for the 03rw and test it. Digitech Studio Quad4’s Dump worked and was identical again to the SysExLibrarian received one.

I understand what you are asking with this, but I believe the message different for each piece of hardware. There is no universal ‘dump’ command that I am aware of.

Ok, that’s fine :) One should know enough of one’s SysEx gear to be able to start a dump.
So far I haven’t been able to find a method of getting any .syx files for the 03rw to work with either the tool or SysexLibrarian, I hope someone else with SysEx gear will step in and test this tool, my next thing would be to test the Alphajuno2 …

I’ve started a new thread over here on the Tool Announcments forum to handle testing of the code.

I’ve also added MIDI sample transfer but this is completely untested, so use at your own risk!

this is quite mind-blowing the efforts you’ve put into this. I haven’t checked this thread in a few days and it looks like you made some explosive progress since then… I’m going to do some testing with this tonight and get back to you with what I find.

kudos and thank you!

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unfortunately, @mxb , the link no longer works: