Send Track + Send Device Only Working In Mono?

I have a few stereo tracks (drums) which i’ve panned around
when i put them through a send device and send track on which is applied a stereo compression (source is muted), my drums come back mono. are send devices mono only or am i doing something wrong?


never thought of that really :D

but cant you place the stereo expander on your send tracks and “expand”?

dont know if thats gonna fix your "problem"just a thought :D

If you mute the source, it is not necessary to keep the compressor on the original track and then just move it to the send-track.
It sounds like there is something not well going with the sendtrack if panning is used though. I should indeed expect the generated audio stream to be transfered unmodified to the sendtrack…

Thanks for the suggestion, but an expander would just widen the stereo image whereas i want to really pan stuff.

Not sure what you mean by this… Basically i have some drums and percussion on stereo tracks, which i’m sending to a send track with a stereo comp. I’m muting the source tracks cause i want to keep just the compressed signal.

In principle since the samples are stereo i shouldn’t have to really pan them, but still sometimes you want to send a HH a bit more to the right for example, or whatever suits the mix.

Really weird cause the send track shows a stereo meter, so i’m assuming it should work in stereo, and my plugin is definitely stereo as well.

Even weirder is i think the reverbs stay stereo, i can even pan the reverbs (on the source tracks) and it works. It’s as if the send device is working in stereo, and is able to be fed a stereo signal, but is completely ignoring panning information.

I don’t understand what you mean with “i mute the source because i only want to keep the compressed signal” because the audio signal on the source is already supplying a compressed signal also without a send device.

How does your device chain look actually?

Where you put the send device in the chain is pretty important.

If there is another DSP where you can affect the panning before the send device, then the send-device is not the problem, something in between the reverb effect and your compressor is.

If you post a screenshot ( things will become a lot clearer…

aha… i think i know what this might be.
latarnik: have you panned your tracks with the POST pan/vol control, that sits right to the send devices in your tracks? that only works if you choose “keep source”.

you need to pan your drumparts BEFORE the send device in your device chain. either with the PRE vol/pan/width control or a gainer

Yes! This was the problem! Thanks for that.