shift + tab improvement

when the cursor is in the effect column and shift + tab is pressed - it moves the cursor to the track on the left.
Isn’t it more logical (and handy) to put the cursor to the note column in the current track ??

Completely agree. If feels very awkward the way it works now…

I think the best solution is, TAB moves the cursor to every column type (note-column, vol/pan-Column, effect-column) in every direction from one track to another … e.g. the cursor is on the effect-column > after TAB the cursor is on the next track in the note-column … or: the cursor is on the effect-column with SHIFT + TAB > the cursor moves to the vol-column (in the current track…

i can imagine a TAB-jump from one column type to the same in the next track is useful with one column sample tracks … but with more columns per track … my suggested TAB-handling is more useful …

just in case you haven’t noticed: there are a couple more shortcuts in 1.26, namely ctrl[+shift]+tab to jump to next/prev track (ie not column, but the first column of a track) and jump to next/prev effect column (unassigned, didn’t find a good default shortcut for it).

what about CTRL+E+TAB?

Afaik, E or TAB can’t be used as modifiers.