Signal Follower Question About Sensitivity Read Out

I was wondering why is it that when the signal follower is set to 100 pct sensivity it isn’t sensitive /detecting the transients, when set to zero pct .it is really sensitive …is this just a typo or am I missing something ?

Perhaps it helps to think about it this way:

  • If your input signal is very quiet (closer to 0% amplitude), you move the Sensitivity slider closer to 0% to match it.

  • If your input signal is very loud (closer to 100% amplitude), you move the Sensitivity slider closer to 100% to match it.

It’s really just a general way of compensating/adjusting the behaviour of the Signal Follower with the overall amplitude of your input. Whether it reads 0% to 100%, or 100% to 0%, is really beside the point.

ok :)