We cannot give you the real 1.3 release as a Christmas present,
as there is still lots of things to finish before we want to release
this version. But we where not lazy so far, so I`ve done some
screen shots for you to see what you can expect in the next release.
Its only a rough preview. Lots of stuff will still be changed and
added till the final release ! Please keep this in mind. Its only
a preview.
1.3 will mainly be about user interface improvements: A feature is
nothing worth, if you are not able to use it fast or intuitive.
Renoise is already packed with features, but looks (looked ! : ) and
feels far to complicated and too boring for most people.
1.3 will introduce a more clearly and prettier graphical interface,
allowing you to hide partitions of the interface that you dont
or rarely use in your current workflow.
Further, contextmenues and tool tip help will be added, to make it easier
to find things and being able to hide text and buttons which are rarely
Ok, enough said, here are some screen shots : )
- Multiple VST editor windows can be opened at once, further you will have
Renoise own editor windows for those VST instruments wich have no own GUI. - Right to the VST windows is a prototype of a contextmenue with submenues.
- The upper frame of the interface is hidden (see the two buttons on the
top of the window, next to the exit minimize, full screen/windowed mode toggle)
- Dialogs, which gain the keyboard focus will be shown more clearly by
showing the mainframe darker. - On the lower left you see the prototype of a multi line text field,
where you will be able to write down novels or whatever, which will
be save along with your song.
- The upper and lower Frame is hidden, so you have much more space for
the pattern editor and sequencer : The full pattern from 0 - 64 lines
is then visible !
- Just with hidden lower frame and a dark color theme
Please remember that this is not the final layout. The font in the
user interface will for example change, as is its too small for most
monitors and resolutions. Its just in an intermediate stage, where
lots of things are still missing. And please don’t ask “will this
or that be in ?”. You will see it in the final release
There is much more to show, and there are more features that are
invisible like improved AUDIO and GUI performance, better ASIO
performance, new DSP devices and tons of other stuff.
I wont list them up now, lets keep them as a present for the final
Nevertheless its already now so cool that if we where Winamp, we would
call it Renoise 5.0
Happy Christmas from the whole Renoise team !
PS : A special present for all the MAC users : The current build also
runs on Mac OSX. If nothing bad happens Renoise 1.3 will also be available
for Mac OSX.