Solo/mute After Pattern.end Function For The Channels

When is the’s gonna find out that the
people screams in silence for a Solo/Mute function that
cycle trough the pattern (or loop) and then drops/insert
the channel(s) you have activated?

This must be the one thing i can really say would be
great for the live performance inside renoise.
And also for song generation if this idea of the
automatic pattern builder comes along.

close eyes and focus
A way to do it, is to use some sort of double-button mouse click
on the channel’s
(mini button that flashes when activated?)

That’s a great idea annide! :yeah:

Not only for playing live but for fiddling around and improvising a song from one pattern. You know when you have that 1 pattern song that contains too many ideas on too many tracks and you can sit and just turn on and off tracks for an hour :)

Yeah, I’d like something like this too. I’m strongly for anything that makes it possible to do stuff live without having to render to Ableton Live.