Hi, is there a way of making either the sample_recorder “leak” cursor keys (left & right), or for there to be a way to state that the cursor_focus returns back to the middle_frame and thusly enables one to left/right cursor around an empty instrument with say 50 keyzones on it…
I mean, I of course understand that if I could somehow step-up with this and magically “place a notifier” into sample_buffer loading process finishing and waiting till that is hit before shutting down the sample_recorder window and placing cursor_focus on instrument keymaps…
but i… uhh…
those notifier things… …
You mean “Observable”
renoise.song().instruments[].samples[].sample_buffer, _observable
-> [read-only, renoise.SampleBuffer object]
Ok, hmm. I did this:
(I’m trying to return from Gui and from sample_recorder_dialog to pattern editor, without having to close gui or sample_recorder (i find that the sample_recorder is not trustworthy in scripting if you close it. I’m not sure if the sample_buffer_observable (selected_sample.sample_buffer_observable) will be enough to hide the sample_recorder dialog, but what I do know is that these two different things manifest as one user workflow issue to me. I realize they’re two separate issues and yeah it’s not really clever to go about them at the same time but what can you do.
I tried this:
if ss.sample_buffer_observable then
a:show_status("No Sample")
recordloop opens up a sample_recorder and starts sampling…
Ok. I think it seems to work now.
ss.sample_buffer_observable:add_notifier(function() w.lock_keyboard_focus=true end)
this seems to return the cursorfocus from both gui and sample_recorder to pattern_editor. which is nice.
Yes indeed, I do mean observable. But how do I cleanly remove the notifier? I did a few notifiers, one hides sample_recorder, one returns cursorfocus to pattern, one renames the track… I got one track to rename, but then nothing else happened. Do I need to name the notifiers… or?