[Solved] Issue With Multiple Monitor Screens.

ah! I don’t know if this has been up before (I sifted through the topics for a bit but couldn’t find anything simillar…)

Basic info: Ive got a NVidia graphics card with two monitors hooked up to it.

well, I start Renoise (the latest build) and the splash is there but after it is gone Renoise won’t start infront. And there’s no use
clicking on the renoise tab in the taskbar either… What I have to do to get the renoise screen up is to turn off monitor #2 in the NVidia preferences (control panel).


Do you have to do this every time or just once to get it back?

I have a similar problem with my multi-monitor setup: when the second monitor is off and Renoise was on that monitor the last session, windows still “claims” the disabled monitor is there, one can’t see Renoise because its on the disabled monitor. This does not happen with Renoise only though, but with all applications, so this is nothing that we can fix.

No but perhaps resetting the window position could be done after “maximize” command (right-click then “maximize”) has been send to the window and always perform maximizing on the primary screen.
Or even better if possible: add a context-menu option for the icon context menu itself:“move to primary” and “move to secondary”.
There is already a “Restore” option (which works differently) so adding another one probably works more confusing than adding two options to move the Renoise frame to either primary or secondary screen.
For a Tray-icon, you can add these kind of options for sure.

I have to do it for every session. a session could be like this: a fresh boot. double click renoise icon. expire-date and regular renoise splashes pop-up and disappear. and then nothing.
ok. and to solve this I have to disable the secondary monitor in the display settings and then promptly enable it again. Once enabled the Renoise screen appears on the primary monitor and is, for the reminder of that session, functioning as normal. but if I move it to the secondary monitor and drags the Renoise screen outside of view it gets all fckd up and won’t refresh until I move it back to the primary monitor. I’ll see if I can make a screngrab-vid or something to illustrate what’s happening.



Ermh… well, I installed cam studio to make a capture and after that the Renoise screen comes alive (strange… I’ll see if it keeps) but there’s still refresh issues
as you can see on the .avi

Strange. never have seen this here.

Could you please make sure you are running the latest NVidia drivers.

Please also try to enable the “More COmpatible GFX updates” option in Renoises GUI Preferences: http://tutorials.renoise.com/wiki/Preferences#GUI

sweet. I did what you suggested. it works now.

