hi… i was askin around on the renoise channel, and connor_bw was nice enough to point me towards this one:
renoise.tool():add_keybinding {
name = “Pattern Editor:Pattern:Split”,
invoke = function() split() end
in order to be able to keybind the patternsplitter.
but i tried to replicate that and make a keybind for the samplesplitter or beatslicer, but for some reason i can’t get it to work (it is keybound in renoisekeyboard settings, for sure, but doesnt seem to do anything).
so here’s my question: how do i make these things keybindable, please?
this is what i tried latest:
renoise.tool():add_keybinding {
name = “Sample Editor:Process:BeatSlicer”,
invoke = function() beatslicer() end
by adding it to the beatslicer .lua or whatever, i got it to display in the keyboard settings, but couldnt get it to actually occur during keypress.
‘/Users/esaruoho/Library/Preferences/Renoise/V2.6.0/Scripts/Tools/com.renoise.SampleSlicer.xrnx/’ failed to execute in one of its key binding functions.
Please contact the author (Unknown author) for assistance…
main.lua:36: variable ‘beatslicer’ is not declared
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘_error’
[string “local mt = getmetatable(_G)…”]:29: in function <[string “local mt = getmetatable(_G)…”]:24>
main.lua:36: in function main.lua:36