I have problem with ProteusX2 in renoise 2.1.0 or the latest beta 2.5.0b9 too.
Proteus X2 is hangup when loading the instrument!
Before that i use proteusX2 in renoise smooth and no problems at all.
When reinstall the windowsXP home edtion, and them all the resources i used befor. Proteus is inicializing in renoise.
Then reboot windows and Proteus is work everywhere and standalone too, only renosie can’t load the plugin.
REinstall lates EMu drivers reinstall Proteus but the problem is still accour.
then think, there’s a proteus VX (free) version it is lightweight. so i download that version from emu site.
And it is work well in renoise! X2 still wont load Renoise is Freeze for unlimited time Not Responding.
Then is load proteus X2 to energy XT and it works correctly. Only Renoise has some problem with it. But dunno what, coz i use it in renoise in last year. Now i cant use it anymore!!!
the log entry is this:
“VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\E-MU\ProteusX.dll
VstPlugs: Analyzing VST plugin ‘Creative Professional: ProteusX’, Unique ID:1347571540, Version:2200”
Please help me about this problem. thank you.