[solved] Unwanted Automatic Changing of Track Playback Volume

I’ve encountered the following issue (in Renoise 3.0 b6, Mac).

During playback, when I have two Tracks which both contain Notes of the same instrument, which is a Plugin Instrument, the playback volume of the first Track automatically changes according to the (set/specified) Volume of the second Track and according to the instances of the notes in the second track and according to the instances of the notes in the first track.


  1. In a Pattern, insert a series of Notes of a Plugin Instrument in Track A, and do not insert any Note Offs in Track A.

  2. Make a new Group containing Track A.

  3. Duplicate Track A, with Notes – thereby making Track B (in the Group in which Track A is).

  4. Nudge Notes of Track B down half the space of the distance between instances of played notes in Track A.

  5. Make Volume of Track B less than the Volume of Track A.

  6. Playback the Pattern.

I think that this issue may be related to the issue that I reported in the following Bug Report Topic that I started previously.

“AU Alias Instrs. plays on assigned tracks of alias - EDIT: I now think probably not bug”

Make sure that the audio-output of the alias is either assigned to the track where the notes of that alias are triggered in but at least make sure you have enough audio output channels enabled in your VST plug and assign these outputs to your patches properly (also take care you split your patches by midi channels).
There is no other way that you can process a single VST instance across multiple tracks.
If the VST does not support multiple outputs you will for sure not get this working in any way as this is a limitation of single audio output VST plugins.

Thanks for replying, and thanks for explaining.

Oh, okay. I think I understand.

When I set as the Plugin of an Instrument the Plugin that I used in the example that I described in my previous post, the setting “Outputs & Routing” in the Instrument settings of that Instrument has only one Bus/Output. So is that the reason for the issue that I described? I think it is the reason, from what I understand of what you wrote, but I just want to make sure I understand correctly. And if there were more Buses/Outputs for that Plugin Instrument, would I be able to assign the output of the Plugin Instrument to multiple tracks – one track for each Bus/Output – and if I would do that then would there not arise the issue that I described in my previous post? I think that, in that case, according to what I understand of what you wrote, that issue would not arise, but I just want to make sure I understand correctly.

If the plugin only offers a single output, then it can only be played correctly on a single track at any given time.

Okay. Thanks, dblue.

And thanks, vV, for initially replying to my initial comment, and for initially explaining about the issue that I reported.

This resolves the problem that I was having that I reported in this Topic, and this resolves the problem that I was having that I reported in the other Topic that I previously started which I listed in my initial comment in this topic.

Thanks, guys.