some plugs I have dont have a wet/dry slider, they just put the wet output out. is it possible to have a pair of sliders for every plugin that defines the troughput of the plugins-output and the track-output before the plugin ? (like renoise-internal wet-dry sliders, initially set to 0% dry and 100% wet ofcourse)
please please please make this LFO-effect for modulating Midi-CC, VSTi and VST-effect settings.
also please make it possible to save an effectchain of a track, I am often using the same effectchain as a basis, but the defaultsong.rns thing is not really an option here.
if there is a plugin-dll missing, would it be possible that renoise does not simply remove the plugin, but place a disabledslotholder instead ?
the thing I want : I get a track which uses a limiter, but I dont have that limiter plugin. However, with that placeholder I can just see what settings the not-avaiable limiter had and can try to rebuild it with another limiter plugin.
also, if I want to work on the song and get the plugin later, if I save it now the plugin-settings will be lost, which is bad.
it was brought up before : when I edit a pattern, please display at the top and the end of the pattern the end/start of the next pattern (maybe in dim colours), so I can just see what happens in the next pattern/the pattern before.