I know this sort of thing comes around for discussion once every so often, but I’ve never jumped-in and added. So, just as a ‘did you know’ about Renoise and where it has ended up, I’d like to throw some new info into the pot.
Renoise was used for the production of the Grand Theft Auto series of videogames I was in-house sound designer on those games for years, and would write pieces of music for them whenever the opportunity came along.
Probably the biggest contribution was to GTA Liberty City Stories on the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 2, where I wrote three entire ‘pop’ songs which appeared on the in-game radio stations and were released in the game’s soundtrack which I think was later released on iTunes.
In Grand Theft Auto IV for XBox360 and PlayStation 3 I wrote the music for the ‘in-game video game’ called ‘Qub3d’. Also, the mobile phone ringtones in GTA IV (there were many, around 60-70 I think) were composed in Renoise, and then the data converted for playback in game.
Many small pieces of background music for almost all the GTA games after Liberty City Stories were written in Renoise, things like you would hear coming from a another building etc.
And as a little offshoot, I wrote the music for the web game ‘Mr Wong’s Laundromat’ which was released in Rockstar Social Club (I think this was after GTA Chinatown Wars came out)