Song name in comments is `Untitled`


I want to export a load of loops from different songs - and the auto file naming is great so I know the BPM etc.

But in my newer (R3) songs, every song name is Untitled… Is there any way that “save as” can make it change the song comments box like it used to?

I have 100s of beats to export and changing the names for each song comments box seems stupid…

Your help is appreciated


Is there any way that “save as” can make it change the song comments box like it used to?

Have you perhaps been using a tool for this?

No version of Renoise (that I can recall) has ever populated the song comments based on the “save as” filename.

I think we can/should definitely add %SONG_FILENAME% into the available render tags anyway.

In the meantime, here’s a very quick and dirty tool that will, upon loading a song, automatically set the song name based on the loaded filename, so you can use the %SONG_NAME% tag when rendering. This should at least save you a few keystrokes :slight_smile:

5455 com.illformed.SongNameFromFilename.xrnx

Thanks dBlue - no tool, I exported some tunes from 2013 and they had the Song Comments title populated, so when I exported them the name was in the filename!?!?

add %SONG_FILENAME% would be great :walkman:

Cheers man, many thanks!

A feature request about having a new tag added.