Sonoloop - Infraset

This is a project I started in December 2008 and is basically a set of loops designed with my analog synths in combination with Renoise’s native DSPs.

The loops and effects are controlled directly in Renoise with a MIDI-controller.

Archive page:
Direct link:…21/Infraset.mp3

Music made in Renoise?


woah! 55 minutes! :badteeth:
Downloading… looking forward to hear it!

DUDE, this is just awesome!! :yeah:
i haven’t heard the whole thing, yet - but i already love it.
lots of groove and good drive, and mmm sweet sweet variations.

respect! :)

so i guess you will be doing some live shows with this project?
i could tip “Ploink” here in Bergen about this, would fit right in on their live nights.

Thanks a bunch mate! :D

I’m planning to do some gigs with this and see how it works out with a proper crowd, I have over 50 loops at the moment which is equal to about 1,5 hours of grooving rhythms. :)

Feel free to tip Ploink… ;)

thanks for the flight… :]

Awesome :)