Probably not my best track ever. Definitely the second track I’ve ever made in Renoise. I mixed this on headphones so, I’m totally open to mix feedback. The genre is psy, so if you are like a hard core d n b fan, you are most likely not, going to enjoy this.
I’m actually wishing I was a lot better at music, than I really am, but I’m sharing anyways… so…
Anyways, I designed all these sounds. So… not a preset used. Except of-course, I got bored an lazy, so the open hi hat, and exploding kick, are free wavs from, “googled sample site of the moment.”
I wanted to make a better track in Renoise, but you know… It takes practice, and this is only track two. I kept loosing my place, and loosing the flow, and finally I just got fed up, and rendered it.
On to the next track, which I’m hoping will be better.
Hopefully by track fifty, I have a bit more tracker experience. Anyways, lemme shut up now…