Specify Shape When Recording Envelopes

Currently, recorded envelopes always end up being “point”-type envelope, which is a shame since we’re missing out on the smoother interpolation of the “linear” and “cubic” shapes.
So, how about sort of preferences switch that force new envelopes to be recorded as a specific shape?

Since the controller data is actually being recorded as discrete points in time, rather than a continuous “analogue” signal, I think it makes sense that the data would initially be displayed as points.

When you say that we’re missing out, do you mean that we’re losing some precision in the data that’s being recorded because of the point type envelope, or that we’re missing out on the convenience of the envelope defaulting to our preferred type?

If it’s a question of precision/resolution/smoothness while recording, then you would not actually gain anything here, as the underlying controller data would still be recorded as discrete points. In fact, any form of interpolation cannot operate correctly in a live situation like this, since those functions rely on knowing the location and value of each point before the curve can be fully calculated. When recording the data live, the next data point is completely unknown, so it would be impossible to accurately perform any interpolation.

If it’s a question a convenience, however, then I do agree that it might be nice if Renoise remembered the last envelope type to be used, and then defaulted to that type for the creation of any new envelopes. There would probably be some strange behaviour in the way the envelope looks and sounds during its creation, though, due to the problem I mentioned in the previous paragraph. It may not be what people expect, or even very desirable, I’m not sure.


Yeah, I’m lazy :lol: . I seldom use point envelopes and I have to switch all the time.

This is already possible to experience, since automation recording will use the chosen interpolation method.
Once you choose something else than “point”, that how it’s being recorded. I think it works fine, but then we’re not talking about “real” bezier splines here (which might affect both past and future values when changed)

Wow, that’s how it should work - except…how do you define the “last used” type?

Ah, you’re right. It’s been so long since I actually bothered to connect my MIDI keyboard! I just hooked it up now and did a quick test. It behaves pretty much how I expected it might – the envelope updates in a kind of jerky fashion as it quickly recalculates the curve once the point has been recorded, and also the chosen interpolation method does not affect the actual recorded value of the point itself. (Maybe some people would expect that recording in cubic mode would smooth/average out the actual data somehow, I’m not sure?)

Right now Renoise is already keeping track of the default envelope type on empty envelopes. It’s just that as soon as you begin recording automation, it gets reset to a point type envelope. I’m thinking Renoise should probably just respect the type you had selected initially, rather than reset it?

More specifically: whenever you create a new envelope, the type you choose will become the default.
Yes, that would be perfect!

+1 for being able to set as default

I’m totally confused.