Start/stop Signal As A Pattern Effect

Hello there,

Is it possible to send a start/stop signal over midi with a pattern effect? I have a x0xb0x and it starts when I start a Renoise song. It would be nice if I could start and stop it a couple of patterns later by means of a code or something. I think this was implemented on the amiga, but I am not sure.

Thanks for the info!

Currently Renoise sends a start/stop signal every time you start or stop playing a pattern or song. If selected it also sends a songposition along with it.
I don’t doubt that it is possible to add a command to manually arrange this at will, but it has not been implemented yet.

Unless you can program your external device to respond to a MIDI CC command to start or stop, because you can send MIDI CC commands.

I can’t program my x0xb0x to start and stop on cc messages, I can’t think of any sequencer that does really.

Can you move this topic to “ideas and suggestions”? Thanks!