Strangeness =// Asio & Direct Sound Latency.

Hmmm… I just tried loading one of my songs. Usually i had my settings on 50ms using DirectSound. I installed Asio4All a while back but never really tryed it much since the sound freaked out when i used it. This song usually uses 40% of my processor power.

I decided to try it again, and changed the latency to 3 ms, and the Asio4All driver loaded. Hmmmm … noticable difference there in latency but not a singly percentage difference in processor usage.

A previous experiment using directsound made my processor go sky high when i lowered it even below 20ms for the same song mentioned before… Now i set the Direct Sound Latency to 5ms and the processor usage was still the same at 40 %

How is this possible or is it a bug? Latency changes affected my processor usage A LOT in Renoise 1.5.2 …bot not now …=// what’s going on?

Because of the buffering-mode Renoise reserves at startup which is a static value for each frequency, each frequency has it’s own buffer size. This is however what i read inside the log.txt.
I don’t know for sure if this overrides any system buffering setting for the soundcard or not.