Here’s my personal review of your album.
Dry Cello Sodomy: I don’t really like this tune, the sounds need more textures, the structure is kinda boring, just in and out… I find the title really appropriate but dislike the song.
setup-1.43.exe: Now we’re talking, great texture, great length and the song has a nice evolution, it sounds like you play with the sound trying to find each aspects, each sides of it, this song is great I love it. On the album, it should play twice in a row. as 2nd and 3rd track.
Baby seals (Beelzebub Reprise): I remember that one, it’s an amen break am I right? It’s amazing what you did with the break, pretty unique, and the sounds are not boring white noises, we got some highly textured ambiances here. It could be a soundtrack for a short movie or something. Really good. Even with that length it’s not redundant at all. The end is particularly good.
All Night Long (Funk Mix): The way this one is made makes me think of autechre without the loop aspect. You could take pretty much any part of this song and loop it and maybe add a more melodic sound and you would get something close to autechre. Particularly their last album… in fact I rather listen to this song than autechre’s last album.
Ballad of the Jabberwocky: Vocals makes it an interesting listen even with so little progression in the song, the song length makes the non progressive structure acceptable. This is really good, but I still prefer Baby Seals and Setup I would have used that song as an intro rather than Dry Cello Sodomy.
Sounds of Spring: Sheep music, I think I can hear tape stop here, I wonder if you used dblue’s tape stop (or glitch) it’s interesting but a bit too long, there’s not even evolution in the song, the progression is very subtitle and the constant sheep sound makes us forget that there’s more and more noise elements. Also, I wouldn’t have ended the album with that song… I would have picked baby seals… This song should be shorter and imo it should be among the first tracks of the EP.
Overall this album has a lot to offer, some more ambient noise with baby seal, some glitchy beep boop stuff with Sounds of Spring, Vocal noises with Ballad of the Jabberwocky… It’s good that the EP is diversified because it can be pretty intense to listen to the same kind of noise for a long period of time.
If Sounds of Spring was shorter, with more variation, it would probably be my favorite track, now I’m not sure between setup-1.43.exe and Baby seals.