Sugar Bytes Artillery 2

Has anyone had any success with the Sugar Bytes Artillery 2 VST/AU? I downloaded the demo for OS X, and instantly felt how much amazing potential this tool has. Without even reading any instructional documentation (because I couldn’t find any cough), I threw it in the Master channel in Renoise and within seconds I felt like a complete unoriginal Tim Exile rip-off… in a good way.

However, I was only able to get the effects to trigger by clicking the plug-in’s on-screen keyboard with my mouse. I was NOT able to get my computer keyboard to trigger it at all. I even tried changing what octave I was in, but nothing. I don’t have this problem with any of my other plug-ins (Scanned Synth, Vanguard, etc.), and get soft synths to work just fine with my keyboard. So… does anyone have any advice, from experience? Did I miss something simple, is it something that is just disabled in the demo, was Michael Jackson murdered? So many questions.

enable keyboard?

and yes, michael jackson was murdered, thank god… :yeah:


Ah yes, good ol’ “enable keyboard”, in the bottom left corner of the plug-in window. I already tried that, of course. :D I have a bunch of plug-ins that work just fine with the keyboard, so I know how easy it’s supposed to be.

It’s probably expecting midi notes sent to it. Add an instance on the master channel and then open the instrument list. At the top there is now probably an entry called “VST FX Alias” with an entry for Artillery. Add that one and play it like an VSTi.

This solution worked! Thank you, Beatslaughter. I appreciate it. :)

Case closed.

once used artillery over a fast paced acid set, felt so good! you can get the effects sounding really ideal.