I could not login with my Username & Password to download the newest version. I did write 4 times to support@renoise.com but nobody did send me my password & username. I think they are sleeping. I am tired & !!!
Michele Combe
I could not login with my Username & Password to download the newest version. I did write 4 times to support@renoise.com but nobody did send me my password & username. I think they are sleeping. I am tired & !!!
Michele Combe
if that login is correct you better delete it fast buddy…
edit: i tried and its fortunately not correct
try the “forgot password” button… it should generate new one and send it to your email…
LOL - Sorry buddy but posting a password in public forums is… weird
You know its probably due to the fact that your mail has been sorted as spam…
Don’t post your stuff in the forum! If you do someone could steal a version of your Renoise, they can then spread it, and you are the one to be somewhat blamed!
IT-alien edit or remove this post…
worked and now im downloading your personal version! Thanks man!
Perhaps pm’ing the dev’s inside here or contacting it-alien next time would be wiser.
Disclaimer: i didnt download anything, nor did i try to log on with it.
Top Surfeur:
the username you pasted here does not exist.
I don’t read mails at support mailbox, but I will send a mail to the dev-list to see if anyone has seen your message.
Please do not post any personal data here, thanks.
whoa, this isnt good
Sorry for that. We will investigate how we could have overseen your mail, and will fix this as soon as possible. Please contact me directly (taktik at renoise dot com) if you still dont hear from us until tomorrow.
i am processing your support request right now. Till now i have one mail dated on 23.03 (this was yesterday, actually ~24hours ago)
I am sorry you have to wait, but we are ony humans and do also need to sleep and eat. We cant guarantee instant support - 99% of the emails get anwered withing 48hours.
Please let me know when did you send the other 3 mails - and more important - which email address did you use and whom did you send those.
maybe topsurfer sent them to an old address?
i know whenever i was havng my login troubles, i recieved a response from Pulsar pretty quick.
I did receive my new Username & Password.
My Username & Password was broken.
You can delete my post if you want.
Thanks a lot.