Suppressing Note Off When Trying Out Notes.

When I am in the Pattern Editor, I always want to try out different notes by pressing keys on my keyboard. Currently Renoise fires a note off event as soon as I release the key. If I try to hold down the key then Renoise goes crazy and records multiple copies of the same note.

Is it possible to do this (like in Impulse Tracker). I press a key, the note sounds, I release the key, the note continues to sound until I stop the audio manually (with spacebar or whatever)?



This behaviour is completely logical and intuitive for me. Had to learn it when I moved from FT to FT2 and once I got used to it, all the other trackers turned into chaos for me. I’d say it there’s two ways you can go with this. First I’d recommend learning to swith the edit mode on and off quickly. I nearly always jam and try to find the correct note when not in edit mode. After finding it I switch edit mode back on and just enter the note. Completely logical to a FT2 veteran (with spacebar as the STOP/EDIT key :), dunno how wierd this might sound to an IT user. The other way is to temporarily set your volume envelope so that the release value is very high. That won’t prevent the note-off but atleast your note won’t die the minute you let go of the key. And stopping all audio manually is done with the Panic button.

I don’t know, it simply doesn’t make much sense to me. If my sample had a NNA set to continue then it should definitely not stop when I release the key or at least logic dictates so… :blink:

Should NNA even have effect on that? It’s short for New Note Action so I’d figure it only kicks in when a previous note is about to be cut by a new one on the same note column.