Tc Powercore

Need any kind of info on using TC Powercore with Renoise 2 under osx or win on a Mac. Anyone here?
Is it working properly and stable? What about latency? Etc. Everything u might think is useable and informative.

I have UAD DSP card and it works fine.
I think TC prowercore is too :D

I have an UAD too and it works fine, the only drawback is that the engine is not splitted, which means every track, even those without loaded plugins in it have latency, so if you have about 10 plugins somewhere in your project, you will have all that latency on a free track, cubase engine handles that differently, but im sure this will be fixed somewhen

Cubase does it the same way. The only difference is that Cubase will not apply latency when recording in a track → monitoring. Cubase can do this because you manually “arm” tracks for recording. In Renoise you can freely record in any track, thats why we can not do this…