naah, im just messin with ya
Wow - another great thing happened today. I could add a very cute chick to my MSN-list She’s so damn hot *g
Marc, you are a chick magnet!! Tell me what you eat for breakfast to get that effect??
he is doing trance. honestly.
I dont listen to trance, I dont do trance, I dont like trance, but the chicks at trance-parties are … yummy. and out of my league I guess. no fake iro.
LOL - I guess, that’s just luck. That began this year - dunno, if I changed something
Ahh… only in Europe.
In Australia you have to have a mullet, wear flannel, play ACDC covers and throw up on yourself before you’re even ready to court the “fine ladies”. Tight jeans, VB and a lot of sweat.
((((But really, you get funk going, you get the funk going.))))
I just realized that I’ve found my own musical style!
Too bad it’s by no means widely commercial, hehehe… This means; Get a PROPER job, have fun with the ambient and plan releases later. Ah, a sense of purpouse…
I just got paid!!!
Alot of money rolling in and bills are getting paid!
i’m still breathing and i still have a job.
Like this thread. Good idea Marc…
So here’s my positive experience of the day. Just came home from a short excercise, running for 20 minutes. After 5 minutes it started to rain… a lot. And it felt so wonderful! I just kept on running, with a stupid smile and enjoying nature in general
Too bad it takes so long to get addicted to running, cause it’s really hard to explain the feeling you get when you are out and get that first kick of endorphines, adrenaline and so on…
i used to run a lot… there is a lake that is 7 miles around in my town and i used to run it a couple times a month. but now i’ve gained about 80 pounds since then so i doubt i could do it anymore … got to get motivated to workout more soon!
And another great thing happened today. I got the opportunity to make an interview for my website with one of my idols He even gave me his ICQ-UIN.
Hmm. Oh, and just two days left, until we have weekend
I am listening to The Cinematic Orchestra “The Man With The Movie Camera” at the moment, really loud. Gosh, I forgot how amazing this is …
Hmm. Something good today is up and running. Damn, I missed ya
me too!
for me good times are over again. I hate to be f****ed up like this and being slapped around by some people. gosh, I need something good again. I just want to be loved and understood, for what I am.
Then, leave my thread !!
No, just kidding - read your blog. Well, pal - I am in some sort of same situation, right now. My boss is getting mental - need to get another company to work for.
So: this is my application - I am a very music-interested php-nerd with a lot of knowlegde in PHP/SQL and JavaScript HTML, XML and the other stuff with Webstuff is no problem for me
Please send job offerings to info [at] trancefish [dot] de
lets team up, I am a very music-interested gfxer who can do mostly anything from printdesign to screendesign. freehand, photoshop, indesign are just some of the tools I can use. I have a basic knowledge in about everything that has something to do with graphics, including 3d, pixeling and so on.
done numerous layouts, screendesigns, logodesigns, blabla.
furthermore I am a intelligent young man, put me in a room with some people to chew on an idea for a pitch or a campaign and I will be a valuable part of the brainstorming.
Honestly, I need a big advertisement company (none in this city) where I can start directly in the concept-department (never happens).
I’m thankful I have a roof over my head.
I’m thankful I have family that cares about me and supports me when I am in need.
I’m thankful I still have a lot of friends.
I’m thankful I have my digital recording studio equipment and am living in a place where I can use it.
I’m thankful I have transportation (bus pass).
I’m thankful that I may be joining a band (interestingly enough, it’s rock, I’ll be able to get my agression out) as lead vocalist and keyboardist over this next week.
I’m thankful I’ve been clean for 42 days now.
I’m thankful to be alive.
Its this the Renoise coffeeshop or the coffeehouse? In the Netherlands that makes a big difference (look it up if you don’t know what I mean)…