The Future of Trackers [2024 round]

Looks like the NerdSeq portable probably wont be coming out until after the first of the year.

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The Adafruit Clue:

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Nice! Do you know more about the project? It looks like it has cartridge like connections at the bottom (like it would fit in the back of my c64 :)). Just for the look, or is it intended to be stuck into something? Google doesn’t give me anything.

No, I simply stumbled upon it when someone retweeted it in my feed. :slight_smile:

:point_up_2:t2: “this is rock-n-roll”

Playing around with Sunvox the last days. That’s so much fun and the module stuff is mind blowing! I thought this is an android app to make some beep computer game music… Completely underrated the program.


I agree. i made my first 2 tracks is sunvox then moved to Renoise but i follow the developer to see what else he is going to do with it.I hear he is making a vst version of sunvox!!!

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You’re right! As I mentioned here a friend of mine is using Sunvox for years now. I tried to convince him of Renoise, but he’s happy with Sunvox and Sunvox is completely for free. There are many possibilities in Sunvox and yes, indeed, the module stuff is quite cool. Anyway, I prefer the wiorkflow in Renoise, that’s what I’m used to since the good old Amiga days 30 years ago. Renoise is a further development of Fasttracker, and Fasstracker is a further development of Protracker (actually it’s a clone with more tracks, even the pattern effect commands are exactly the same), which is a further development of Noisetracker, which is the successor of Soundtracker, which is my first DAW. I would like to stay “in the family”, so for me there’s Renoise and there’s Renoise, that’s it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sunvox has some great features and others I’m missing. There’s of course also no VST support, but when a VST version of it is coming out you can put this in e.g. Reaper. Anyway… It’s by far more than just a toy and very powerful. You can build your own instruments, effects, etc. and put these in a metamodule (like doofer). The pattern editor is also quite innovate.


Renoise was originally based on the source-code of NoiseTrekker.


I guess that’s why it’s called Renoise. :slightly_smiling_face:
I don’t know Noise Trekker, but I’m sure it’s called Noise Trekker because of NoiseTracker, the successor of SoundTracker. I don’t know any tracker which is older than that, as far as I know SoundTracker was the first tracker ever. So every tracker is based on SoundTracker somehow. Renoise is very similar to Fasttracker (but with way more possibilities), that’s why I use it. So to me it’s part of “the family”, even if the code is based on another program.

NoiseTrekker was made by arguru and does not share any code with the amiga’s noisetracker. Really cool was Aodix by Arguru, but he never managed to make a stable version before his passing away… Arguru was some kind of unpredictable coder genius, maybe similar to Taktik :smile: And DiscoDSP was Arguru’s company later. That mastering plugin, what was the name…

Why is it called Noise Trekker? He could have chosen any other name. I claim it’s a tribute to NoiseTracker. :wink:

He coded like 10 different trackers, so he hadn’t time to think about naming… Yeah of course, all is based on noisetracker.

That’s why NoiseTracker came into his mind, right? Is there also a Sound Trekker or a Pro Trekker? If yes, I don’t have any more questions. It has to be a tribute to the Amiga trackers, no doubt about it.

Yes, Protrekkr, was somehow the predecessor of noise trekker, then he also coded Aodix, Psycle and parts of Buzz tracker.

Wait…Arguru is dead??

He died in 2007 in a car accident, here’s the link to Wikipedia. I never heard of Arguro before.

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Stardust? “4-in-1 Mastering plug-in”?

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Psycle is the first program I tried… Was around 2002 or so. :joy:

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