The Gipton Removal Firm were kind enough to provide me with the acapella for this track, the rest of the track was produced from scratch in Renoise running on Ubuntu 9.10 Linux.
According to their myspace page TGRF sound like “A pitman on prozac drinking cheap cider whilst busking in the streets wearing a dodgy goldie lookin chain and covered in kid acne”.
good work, i liked the real drumkit sounds in this. vocals… well… i dont think he can really rap… BUT it works anyway to my ears … so it doesnt really matter. really liking the dub influences… overall a very nice sounding mix.
Me? No, not really. A few random tracks floating around. I rarely finish anything, and the tracks I do get near to a completed state are each random and unrelated in style. I really need to work with more focus, and have more free time. There are a few older remixes of mine on TGRF myspace page, the “Bubbz Remix” versions of Cigarette Encounter and Karm Down.
Thanks for the feedback. I really like his vocals, it’s obviously not straight hip-hop, far more tongue-in-cheek and utterly down to earth. He impresses me how he puts across a story in each song whilst maintaining the flow and without deviation.
Edited to add: pilot7: It’s great to get a positive comment from you, I downloaded your EP’s (1-3) a few months ago and listened to them quite a few times in the car, really excellent work. Not sure if I actually replied on those threads, sorry! Keep up the good work