Uhhhhh … this great
Nice flowing tune … paaartyyy
Lovely atmosphere Really drags me into the track! Enjoying the way it develops. Personally, I would’ve liked some more variation in the beat, maybe just a fill here and there… but man, the sound is great! Solid and rough, without going out of control. Overall good balance in your mix, too. Very solid track man, maybe not the most original of pieces, but effective and well executed nonetheless!
Thanks to everybody for the comments. I’m a bit surprised about the positive feedback as the track’s so much like 10000 other trancetracks, and is definetely of not my style. Too bad I have to manage with femalevocal vst’s and not some pretty bitch singing on the background
nice tune, very generic like you say… nothing stuck out at me as odd though…
pretty bitch vocal hooks are good, you get all the pre pubescent kids watching your music videos…
I really like this song. Cannot point my finger on exactly why, but it just feels right. Good work.