macOS: The keyboard in the sampler does not work


the keyboard in the sampler does not work properly. it behaves extremely slow and does not play all the notes when pressed with me using a mouse pressing the keyboard

tried downloading the same renoise version but it’s the same

i work on a macbook pro mid 2017 ventura 13.6.7

the virtual keyboard in logic x works fine

To see if the cause is in the configuration, try renaming the configuration directory and starting it again.
That should give you the default settings.

I can reproduce in macOS 15. I don’t think it’s a config problem.

Maybe a problem with Mac version. On Windows it works fine.

We’re not talking about the computer keyboard here, right? We’re talking about clicking on the piano keys with the mouse in the Instrument Editor. Is that correct?

I can’t reproduce this behavior here either. Does this happen with any kind of instrument (sample or plugin) in all your songs?

I hope @Sajmund can reply but this is certainly the case for me. The piano keys respond poorly to mouse clicks. Even with no instrument, it’s noticeable as a bit of “lag”. With an instrument (plugin or sample) it often drops notes, especially when clicking rapidly.

hi again

yes, taktik, it’s the virtual keyboard in the sampler. it happens even with a complete blank sampler/instrument, no samples or vst instruments
the keys get stuck and it is impossible to slide the virtual keyboard
it’s like that all the time, even in old songs and from the start when i open the renoise app
and also what spinesois says

*Sliding is intentionally not possible. A note is held as long as the mouse button is pressed, and is released when the button is released. It’s easier to play a single note this way, which is all you can do with the mouse anyway.

Is that the problem, or something else?

well, no, the keys also gets stuck all the time

but, it’s not really a problem to me because i never use the virtual keyboard, but, maybe it affects something else in the system

or maybe it’s the system on my laptop that is the problem, i don’t know, but it runs pretty smooth, but, renoise definitely has some midi issues when running reaktor 5 as a standalone app, but, i have been living with that for years, or, maybe it’s the other way around
it could be my laptop having a problem

but i just installed a new OS, did that twice, and, it’s still there, but, what to do? it’s technology

maybe it’s psychosomatic

iMac Ventura 13.7 and Renoise V3.4.4 with wired mouse - no lag here.