I’m not sure if the image is visible…
I even count 7 writers on Wikipedia for Beyonce’s Run the World.
Every mediocre moron can create this shit in his backyard shack. Yet 7 of the bigger names desired to be clinged on to this track or somebody simply likes to do namedropping here for the publicity stunt (and download figures)?
Really have to agree with you on this one, unfortunately
It’s called “survival of the shittiest”.
I agree the overall quality of music is declining, but it’s kinda silly to compare pop artists to rock musicians.
Mozart, now that was the real shit right there!
The quality of JPGs these days…
What bothers me these days, is the general lack of originality amongst electronic artists, especially in the house/tech house/dnb/bass scene. everyone is ripping off each other, resulting in the same generic boring sound. of course, there are a lot of exceptions, but let’s take all the top 10s at Beatport for example… it’s all just a big stinky yawn to me. come ON! what’s the point of 5000 producers imitating Umek, when Umek himself releases like 5 tracks a week, all sounding basically the same? Or maybe it’s the general publics boring taste, I don’t know. Or maybe I’ve been into it for too long, and heard too much of the same things & tricks, being recycled. However, it’s kind of inspiring too, as it challenges to do something new, or at least something different
The point is that those 5000 producers are just trying to appeal to a general public. They see somebody who’re doing something that seems to work, and then they try to mimic and copy that formula. But what most people won’t be able to understand is that such “working formulas” exist as a correlation between a social construct and exclusive momentary circumstances in time. As such, one can’t replicate it.
Naah, not really. Beyoncé can sing the crap out of must artists around. To me the track is kicking and it’s definitely not your average pop track.
It’s apples and oranges, but I prefer apples…
That Run The World beat was better when it was Diplo / Major Lazer “Pon De Floor”
At least conceptually.
Eh comparing the “quality” of an entire era to another is impossible. Go find some highly regarded current indie bands and compare them to Disco music. You get my point.
All the indie bands I’ve been hearing lately sound like “paint by the numbers” folk bands.
You at least provided evidence there is an audience for shitty stuff
But hey:it is really ok to me
I get yours, but you didn’t got mine:the difference in what it seems to require to create something today compared to what was used back then. That i consider it crap, is personal flavor added to the discussion.
The quality of spelling and grammar these days.
Kids, stay in school…
In beyonce’s defence, it is actually very hard to create a perfectly formed, absolutely symmetrical, smells exactly like you wanted it to, piece of shit. And then, still have people say ‘wow, i’ve never seen a piece of shit exactly like that before.’ Because, like it or not, it is it’s own song, and not merely the 5,000th example of a genre.
I suppose that’s the whole dilemma though? If you ain’t dammit spot on perfect, you ain’t getting nowhere these days, it seems.
I’m not really disagreeing with you, though, i’m just saying, ya know, beyonce is FINE!
It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should contain some content.
That song is just an empty shell, not saying much at all.
Indie band isn’t a genre. They make all kinds of music, including electronic music.
Even the more folky ones are really really good. Grizzly Bear, Fleet Foxes, Kurt Vile, all great. I’ll put them up against anything from the 70’s or 80’s.
Bohemian Rhapsody didn’t chart in the traditional sense and was too long for AM radio. Most of this sentiment has the benefit of hindsight, there was a lot of shit music in the 70s.
It’s a widespread misconception that jimi hendrix spend hhis whole life on drugs .Have a look at the wonderfull ’ making ’ of electric ladyland …
Except it was #1 single for about 10 weeks…
In its day, BR peaked at 9. My point is that most of what is remembered as “great” either doesn’t chart or only charts briefly.
Hendrix was an outlier himself, he didn’t consider his own playing good or his sound correct relative to what he heard in his head. Imagine if he lived long enough to try our stuff…
Meanwhile the 60s gave us bubblegum music where the credited act doesn’t even perform the song on the record, long before a certain German pair had their Grammy awards stripped for having done just that…
Bad music will always be for sale as long as there are buyers for it, the times have nothing to do with it.