They Are About To Test The Particle Crash Check This Live Feed Out

Haha that almost fooled me :D
Brb escaping the black hole ->

damn! just ((very) few weeks) before the 2.0 release!

oh well… goodbye…

I wonder what actually happened with the original particle crash testrun. Haven’t read any news so far, except “the test was successful \o/”

there has not been any crash yet, just synch tests, which is the most stupid part of the news campaign to date: before the start date, everyone was (stupidly) alarming and concerned, then the synch tests were done (which really had no harm, if there was any), and now the hype has blown off. The real collisions have yet to happen.

Yeah, they just ran the proton beam through the pipes. In one direction. And later in other direction. Now they are analyzing the data collected to see if something is wrong with the system. So far it seems that everything is okay, and the tests were successful.

For collision they have to run both streams at the same time. This hasn’t yet happened.

So, there’s still a bit time to party hard, make love and coming on 2.0 as it seems.

Gordon Freeman in Testchamber at CERN.…8&id=125689