Time Signature Settings

10 hex = 16 dec
10 dec = 1A hex

for the rest, ears and guts are god’s gift to music

Is there a full list with 3/4 as well ?
In decimal as im not interested in hex

I really think this should be a feature to make life easier when coming from
Another daw cheersb

time signatures in renoise are dead simple if you are able to multiply. Take your lpb value (whatever it is) and for 3/4, multiply it by 3. set your pattern length to that number. That’s it.

If you wanted, say, a 13/8 time signature, you’d take your lpb, divide it by half (to get 8th notes) and multiply that by 13, then set your pattern length to that number… Maybe changing your highlighted lines to that 8th note value in the song preferences for ease on the eyes/brain.