I like to use the flexible mark shortcuts for selection. In a track’s fx column, I’d press the shortcut 2 times (y,a,q,t) in order to select the upper/lower/block/whole fx-column. This doesn’t work in the individual fx columns for notes though. There it’s just either half of the column or the whole column with notes selected.
Also if you could readd shortcuts for the old ctrl-b, ctrl-e behaviour that would be awesome.
Yeah, I’ve heard another person once complaining over this slight change in behavior.
Perhaps you could explain what makes this awesome - because to me the old behavior was broken/inconsistent.
haha, that might have well been me. I whined about that a while ago already I just think it was easier to adjust an existing selection by pressing ctrl+b somewhere inside it. but it might be a matter of taste. I never considered the older mode to be broken though. A checkbox in the options to revert it to old behaviour would be nice, but not #1 on my wishlist.
About the flex stuff. If it’s a technicality, ok. I just think selecting the whole fx column on first tap would be more useful. But there still is alt+lmb selection. anyway thanks for replying