As far as the concerned Renoisers are claiming, this is the updated list of things and mutations that will most probably start to happen to you as a REGISTERED user.
(?) are unconfirmed claimings
- Differ a lot from non-registered users
- Release music to pretend they’re harmless
- Go pray every morning (?) unconfirmed because of many pagan rituals being performed every morning by many Renoisers… and not all of them can be described by the word “pray”… expecially those involving sexual activities or human sacrifices…
- eat cats in the evening (??) unconfirmed. Australian Renoisers are used to eat Koala in the evening…
-[b] eat each other on demoparties/b
- do not listen to trance (?) There is some confusion here as this topic crosses another topic who tries to understand if Trance listeners are Gay.
This claim involves thinking both that Trance listeners are Gay (that’s not confirmed) and that there are no Gay Renoise users… (that’s not confirmed as well)
- do not listen to IT Alien
- get all the women
- get lucky five times a night (?) this is unconfirmed at least untill we find out what’s the real meaning of “Getting lucky”… as I suspect it does not means “winning the lottery” or “finding money under a parkbench”.
- are KORE (?) Unconfirmed untill we find out what “being Kore” means… as I suspect it does not mean “being an ancient greek statue of a standing woman dressing with veils”…
- do not forget to login
- praise Linux
- praise Commodore
- are nuts
- sing stupid songs
- never sleep much
- Write stupid stuff on boards
- Read stupid stuff on boards (?)
If you feel offended or have complains about the way I distributed the “unconfirmed voice” you can write me a private message or an email.
It will be my pleasure to ignore you