Can’t describe the level of happiness I’m experiencing now that I found out TDR is back. One of my all time favorite record labels. Anyone remember? Any favorite TDR-releases?
They officially relaunched almost a year ago, but somehow I managed to miss it entirely.
Hey ptrance, we’re still the same people, we just aged a little bit, haha
many things changed, but we’re still in contact with most artists and definitely work on new stuff with them. Just give us some time to grow up again! Ooops just saw Saine in another thread? You’re here?
Resound is Krii, yes. And he’s very alive, now also releasing tracks on Metallheadz
BTW, Tokyo Dawn really loves Renoise: The Bus Compressor and Maximizer were my work, I hope you’re using these daily!
I’m also VERY excited to see Tokyo Dawn alive again, it was a long wait but it was worth it. I already loved the re-release of the classic Bram Nelson tracks (it’s been a while since I had listened to those) and the new Comfort Fit album is the dopest hiphop-release I’ve heard this year.
Fabien btw, Renoise could use a nice native transient designer. Ok ok I know, keeping busy hehe…