[tool idea] upgrade filters for all (old) instruments


I’m working on a bunch of old .xm’s & .mods in Renoise, bringing them to the new millennium :wink: and so are working with a lot of instruments showing;
Afaik right now you have to manually go through every old instrument and hit the ‘Upgrade Filters’ button, right? If there is a tool already that can batch do this for all instruments in a song or if there is a native feature that I forgot, please let me know!

If not and it would be possible to script this, that would be great to have as there are a 800+ files to go through :sunglasses: .

To the second question about a possible tool, this is not available through the API. Only the Renoise team can do this internally.

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I won’t make a tool out of this right now but I’ll share a code snippet that does it. You can open the terminal with Tools / Scripting Terminal & Editor, if you don’t have that here are two ways to enable it from the docs here

  • Launching the Renoise executable with the argument --scripting-dev
  • Opening Renoise’s config.xml file from the preferences folder, and setting the
    property to “true”. This way, you don’t have
    to pass the above mentioned argument every time you launch Renoise.

So, once you have the terminal you can paste this block of code into it and press enter to upgrade all of the filters in the song. Note that things might sound different afterwards.

for k, i in pairs(renoise.song().instruments) do
	for _k, ms in pairs(i.sample_modulation_sets) do

If you already ran the code you can just press up on the terminal to recall the last thing and run it again without the need to repeatedly paste it in, handy if you are converting more songs in a row (of course code could be written to batch process a list of songs automatically as well).

@error.eyes you can see the function in the api here


Oh awesome. I didn’t search well enough. Thank you.

Thanks for the snippet, will test this weekend, btw do you know if the interpolation aliassing button in the sample properties can be enabled similarly?

Its similar, here a snippet:

for k, i in pairs(renoise.song().instruments) do
	for _k, ms in pairs(i.sample_modulation_sets) do
	for _k, ms in pairs(i.samples) do
		ms.oversample_enabled = true

Btw. i could integrate this to the piano roll optional toolset as menu item, if needed.


That would be nice to have for sure! :sunglasses: