Topic Titles In Renoise Forum Change Letter-case Automatically

Maybe this is not important but Renoise forum’s topic titles are automatically changed in a way that the words’ first letter is capital and the rest is small. I’ve seen that in some cases this affects the way that topic starter wants to express his idea, or some words loose their correct spell.


VU meter changes to Vu Meter
LfoDevice -----------> Lfodevice
SideChain -----------> Sidechain
Compressor/Limiter -----------> Compressor/limiter
etc. -----------> Etc.
VSTi -----------> Vsti
iTunes -----------> ITunes

Wouldn’t it make more sense if topic titles remain intact? B)

yOu HaVe GoT a LoT oF fReE TiMe!!

I sort of agree with you (from an accuracy point of view, English is not correctly written with an uppercase letter at the start of every word) but it doesn’t really bother me that much.

It’s to make it absolutely impossible to “SHOUT”, EVEN BY ACCIDENT, BECAUSE THAT CAN BE VERY ANNOYING.

NeItHeR dO I! :P

I thought it would be more logical, actually this is not a forum about literature, it’s about tracking and computer made music where there are many terms and words and abbreviations which can express themselves much better if spelled as they are originally created. :)

This is an outrage! :angry: You have my full support if you decide to take legal action.





(Yes This Is A Shame…

Everytime I Submit A New Song To This Forum, My Nickname Is Shown As It-alien.)

yeah its kinda odd that its like that. but i’m happy with fixedsys!!!
I love fixedsys but only when its big!

I ate a giant red candle.

to: mr_mark_dollin

your blog is a very interesting read, you have a lot of great data in one place!

by the way, did anything happen with the advanced techniques blog you guys were talking about a couple months ago?

I PM’d Bantai asking what was the go… He said non-specifically that he was working on some stuff on the server that would pave the way for a blog/e-mag/thing/whatever. Since then MickRip has shown keen interest in an e-mag, while Pilot7 the other day was talking about ideas for featurettes. In my mind some good software on the Renoise server, made part of this website, would be the way to go the take on all these tasks. But I’m out of the loop, so I’m only guessing. Bantai, want to start a new thread?

ps, thanks about the b l o g… just getting started ;)