I just got an Imac today and thought Id install Renoise, been away from making music and all that stuff for almoste 2 years, cant wait to check out all the new stuff in Renoise
From backstage I download rns_2_5_1_reg.tar.gz
Then I unpacked the file and got Renoise_Reg which I moved to the applications folder and moved a copy of the Renoise ikon to the dock.
Is this all I have to do ?
When I move mouse pointer over Renoise start ikon it reads Renoise_Reg, not just Renoise as on XP ?
3.When I startRenoise, Renoise want me to type password for ReWire Engine, Where is this password ? I try and type my pass for backstage, the one I used to download with, but its not that one
please read what it asks there it wants your admin password (the one you have to define when you set up your mac for the first time.
in renoise under preference go to plugins and check the box at au plugins - thats it
… but i think you dont even know where to put au plugins (its called *.components)
you’ll find them under /Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components/
Where will it be “best” to put Renoise songs and instruments ? Where do you put yours ?
when I use the F1-F2-F3… to jump between patteren editor/mixer/instruments… the F1-F4 wont let me navigate, they display brigthnes up + down and other stuff, I like when they are on F1-F4 like on pc. When I try to assign the F1 in the key settings in Renoise, Renoise get no information, how can I do this ?
go into Mac OS system Preferences-Keyboard and set option “use all function keys as standard” on, you can then use them like normal keys. You will still have their original functionality when you hold “function” key and press corresponding keys. Also check if function keys are used for Expose and spaces, but as I remember, they aren’t by default. Now you have all keys at your disposal to do whatever you want with them in Renoise.
Put songs wherever you want, personally, I am holding them in Music folder, but documents or any other is just fine. You can even spread them all across hard drive and use smart folders to list them all in one list, if needed, or you have forget where they are.