Touchosc + Renoise

Hi, i really need someone`s hand to help me setup TouchOSC app to control Renoise.

We have:

  • droid phone running latest TouchOSC 1.3 app
  • laptop with Renoise 2.8 (sure with Duplex)

Please i need a step by step tutorial to setup that thing.

Ive tried different configs, but nothing works, so im really confused.

Hey Atarix,

AFAIK, TouchOSC running 'droid phones (that is, android, right?) are limited to the default templates. So no editor for building your own stuff…
However, Duplex supports two templates out of the box, the “simple” one - although not really simple at all :rolleyes:, and the “keys” one.
I guess you’ve already tried starting Renoise, running the Duplex TouchOSC configurations from the tools menu?

Then, it’s a matter of hitting settings, and entering the phone’s IP adress as it’s reported in the touchosc connection settings (“local IP adress”, e.g.
Make sure the Duplex settings “in” port matches the “outgoing” port number of the phone, and that “out” matches the “incoming” port number.
The “prefix” should be left empty (TouchOSC doesn’t use this)

Note that settings are unique per configuration, so you need to enter this information for each of the configurations. But start with one, and make sure it’s working first…

P.S: A user once had a problem using the IP adress, in this case it might be worth trying to use the host name of the computer instead.

I have to be completely missing something here… Nothing is working with hooking my touchOSC up to Renoise AT ALL… I don’t know what i’m doing wrong here. I tried everything you said up there but i’m having the same problem as Atarix. Can someone please help me out, could there be something disabled that’s interfering with connection at some point? I’m confused…


Well for sure the messages have to start with the root “/renoise”, if they don’t, nothing will happen. Perhaps this is better configurable on an iPhone than on the Android configuration.

As others have mentioned TouchOSC is sending OSC messages that Renoise does not (by default) understand.

Some options:

  1. Try the Control app for Android:

It allows you to design your own touch screens using JavaScript syntax, and you can assign any OSC message you like.

  1. Use a proxy.

This is not as simple is using Control, but has better long-term advantages.

You can use the Processing language with the p5OSC library to receive and send OSC messages. I’ve written some code I use to translate messages from a client (such as TouchOSC) into messages understood by some receiver (such as Renoise, or Animata, or some other app).

I have some code up on GitHub that may help.

This is from a demo I gave showing how to convert stock TouchOSC messages into something that the animation program Animata can understand.

To use it with Renoise you would have to change what OSC the program emits.

I’m working on a book (Kinect Hacking for Artists) about using the Kinect game controller, OSC, and some other tools to drive apps such as Renoise so I may have some better examples I can post before long.

It may seem like a bit of trouble, but the ability to convert OSC from any client into messages usable by any server (including Renoise) is really handy.

not entirely true, I’ve had the editor running but indeed if you do not have root privileges on your phone it gets problematic. If you do, and have the android SDK with adb connected to your phone, you can actually get your own layouts to work. The most difficult when I tried (I used it on one song only I think) was with trying to sign the application with the modded layouts.

That’s what I did (processing). Be smart, don’t be a retard!
Anyway I haven’t followed the development in this area for a year so I don’t know shit.

To TS; I’m sorry I’m not gonna write the tutorial right now because it’s a year ago for me like I said, but the things I had to do was:

Repeat and don’t quit

hope this helps

ps, btw, Control app mentioned by Neurogami looks great