Tracking Competitions?

I was thinking about how fun GroovyCompo used to be (does anyone else remember that?) and I was wondering if there are any active tracking competitions still running. Does anyone know of any? :D

The Nectarine Multichannel Compo just reached its deadline but I don’t know about any regular compos. I don’t follow the scene as much as I used to :confused:

Madtracker compo 2005 just kicked off…

I’ve been afraid to get into madtracker because the time I spend in there cuts in to what I could be doing in renoise, and I’m only at the “low-intermediate” level of tracking to begin with.

Oh, and there have been a couple Renoise compos during the summer announced right here at this very board. Then there was TIGC… Maybe it was time to organize a regular, say bimonthly, compo, yeah? I really wish I had the time to participate more.

Cool, thanks for the links :) Hehe, that TIGC one is funny. Yeah a semi-regular comp would be a lot of fun, I’d like to try organise one myself when my PHP coding is good enough to write a passable scoring page. Although there may already be something like that out there… I’ll have a look.