how do i set notes to have triplets in the patter window, in track?
let’s say i now have a trance song, i have 140 BPM tempo and i now have 3 empty lines between two kicks, so i can play 4 hi-hats, one together with kick, and 3 more till next kick hits. I know i can change the speed of the song and i can add more lines to the pattern. Question: if i add 2 times more pattern lines for a pattern, what do i need to set for BPM and speed to have real 140 BMP tempo but could add 2 times more notes - 1 kick + 8 hihats (one, together with kick)?
Thank you, i guess i would need some calculator for that
I believe, that with 2 times longer patterns, at the same tempo, i would be able to make real triplets
We Renoisers haven’t used speed for a long time, you should upgrade your habits.
Now we are on LinesPerBeat. You make triplet by LPB/3, so it’s best to put it 12 or 24 if you are doing that, so you don’t have to use note delay. If not you have to count ticks. LPB*TicksPerLine (in song settings) / 3.
Twice LPB = twice the scolling speed. Twice the BPM = twice the music speed. So you want double the LPB to have twice the line resolution.
You can also use E2 / E4 command in the panning column on those 4 / 2 hihats to double them without doubling the lines. (Retrig is good for more things than just for rattling)