Unreproducible crash while stacking groups

Posted16 January 2017…It is sad that no one would answer!

Only I want to comment on a possibility. R3.1 has an internal bug in group properties. Maybe by dragging a group, there has been some conflict.Renoise 3.1 is not 100% stable, has bugs here and there, most are not able to crash the program.And there are also a lot of VSTi that are able to crash Renoise, when Renoise should not crash for this reason.If you use many VSTi, make sure that Renoise does not crash if the project is important.

In any program it is a serious mistake not to make backups constantly of the work done, even more when it comes to saving human creativity, from any field, be it musical, visual, written…

If you’ve lost 3 hours of work, it’s your fault, not Renoise’s. You should know either Renoise is not 100% reliable. Any program is not 100% reliable.I’m not defending Renoise.But there is no support! Do not wait for them to be solved.You wait many months and pray…

To avoid lost, use Preferences / Plug/Misc / Backup / Auto save backups

There is nothing more frustrating than wasting time!!!